Middle School Technology
Mr. Kenyon
EmailClassroom Procedures
- When the class starts students must be in their seats, prepared, and ready to receive instruction.
- Students shouldn’t have their cellphones out at any time during class.
- Students must bring all required materials to class.
- Folder if required
- Pen or pencil
- All work must be done by the due date given by the teacher, for everyday the work is late there will be a 5-point deduction
- Students will never become argumentative.
- Students will not be disruptive at any time during class
- Students must respect other students work. Do not destroy or take anything from another student.
- Always respect each other. Never put down another student or say rude comments to or about another student.
- In the event that there is a substitute teacher, you are expected to maintain behavior that exceeds my expectations. If a substitute leaves any type of negative statement about any individual or classes, the individual or classes will be disciplined accordingly.
- During fire drills you are to remain silent while exiting the building and returning to the classroom. You are to stay in one group on the grass across the parking lot.
Projects: 50%
Class work: 40%
Homework: 10%
Materials Needed:
School assigned laptop
Writing utensil
Course Outline 10 weeks long
-Course Introductions and rules
-Career Search
-Career On Stop
-Guidance Direct
-Career Research Project
-Career Presentations
-Career Portfolio
-Shield Activity
-Business Card
-Short Term Goals
-Long Term Goals