• Classroom Community Expectations

    Learning a new language is an exciting time!  Students are being introduced to new vocabulary, new cultures, and a brand new way of speaking and listening.  Yet, for many students, this new experience can be a bit scary because they may feel they are stepping outside of their comfort zone.  Students will be trying to pronounce unfamiliar words, and they will be trying to interpret what they hear in a new language.  For this reason, it is important that our classroom has an atmosphere of trust and respect, so students feel comfortable participating in practice activities.  I expect that all students are willing to try their best.  I do not expect perfection, just their best effort, always.  The more they are willing to try, the more they are going to learn and grow.  In order to meet these expectations, the following are the classroom community expectations: 

    1. Always give your best effort

    2. Be respectful of others:

      • use respectful language in classroom & encourage the success of classmates

    3. Arrive to class on time

    4. Phones are strictly prohibited in the classroom

    5. Be prepared with your materials each day – computers need to be charged.

    6. Pay attention and listen to the speaker(s).

    7. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor grades, assignments, and missing assignments in Powerschool weekly. Students can work with the office or Student Services to get their student IDor this web-based grading program.

    Assignments & Late Policy

    • All course work (including, but not limited to: assignments, quizzes, exams, and projects) must be submitted no later than the due date unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher and a new due date is established (this new due date will be put in writing by teacher if an extension is made).
    • If a student submits coursework after the due date without having made arrangements with the teacher, a minimum of 10 points/day will be deducted from grade.
    • Assignments handed in more than 5 school days late will only earn a maximum of 50%
    • If an assignment is late due to a legal absence, it will be accepted up to 5 school days after the due date (unless student is out for an extended amount of time – then we will work together to determine a fair date to submit work).

    The use of translation services and / or devices to create or translate phrases, sentences, or portions of a task will be considered cheating. 

