Advice to Incoming 3rd Graders
Posted by Cari Dombeck on 6/7/2023 6:00:00 AMIt is the end of the school year! Wow - this year went by fast. Soon you will be meeting your new 4th grade teacher and I will be meeting my new 3rd grade class. What advice would you give to those students entering my classroom next year?
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100th Day of School!
Posted by Cari Dombeck on 2/13/2023 6:00:00 AMToday is the 100th Day of School!
It is hard to believe that over half the year is behind us already. Time goes by fast when you are having fun! :)
Many friends and teachers are dressed up as if they were 100 years old. I want you to pretend you are 100 and you are looking back at your life. What have you accomplished? What have you seen? What have you done? Where have you gone? Do you have a family? What has your life been like for the past 100 years?
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