• Allegany-Limestone Elementary School

    Code of Conduct

    Child-Friendly Code of Conduct Summary

    Updated: July 2024

    1. Introduction


    The Allegany-Limestone Elementary wants all students to be respectful, responsible, and safe wherever they are in the district.  This child-friendly version, stipulated by Board Policy 3410, is to help in explaining the Code of Conduct to young children at Allegany-Limestone Elementary School (ALES).  However, this child-friendly version does not replace Board Policy 3410 or the Allegany-Limestone District Code of Conduct.  Adults should refer to the District’s policy and Code of Conduct for a full explanation.



    1. Student Rights:
      1. I have the right to be treated with respect by all other students and adults.
      2. I have the right to be taught the school rules of respect and responsibility.
      3. I have the right to give my side of the story when I have broken a school rule.

              III. Student Responsibilities:  

           My Job (Student):

      1. I will come to school every day on time, clean, dressed appropriately, and ready to learn.
      2. I will turn off all electronic devices, including my cell phone, and place them in my backpack before I enter the school building. I will not take them out until I leave the school building.
      3. I will be polite to all students and adults with whom I play and work.
      4. I will learn and follow the school rules of respect and responsibilities. I will be in charge of my own behavior in school and on the bus.
      5. I will always try my best.
      6. I will respectfully listen and follow directions.
      7. I will ask questions when I do not understand.
      8. I will talk it out when angry or upset.
      9. I will follow our school’s Anti-Bullying Rules:
        1. I will not bully others.
        2. I will try to help students who are bullied.
        3. I will try to include students who are left out.
        4. If I know that somebody is being bullied, I will tell an adult at school and home.

            IV.  Student Dress Code:

              We explain the dress code at the beginning of the school year, and any changes to the dress code that may happen during the school year will be communicated by the principal.

          A student’s clothing must…

      1. be appropriate for weather conditions.
      2. cover the stomach, chest/back, and undergarments (skirt/short length should be below fingertips.

      3. not display any mean or violent words/pictures, or advertise drug/alcohol logos.
      4. include footwear that is the correct size and fits the activity.
        • Sneakers must be worn for Physical Education class and the playground.
        • No flip flops with a button or plug on the bottom or roller sneakers.
      5. not include hats, scarves or hoodies with the hood worn up, inside the school except for medical or religious reasons or when approved by the principal for special events.

           V. Acceptable Student Conduct-

      1. Come to school on time every day.
      2. Show respect to others by speaking kindly and respecting property at all times.
      3. Follow directions from all adults in the building.
      4. Complete my own work and not cheat or copy.
      5. Use my “inside voice” when inside the school.
      6. Walk Quietly in the Hallways.
      7. Have shoes tied at all times.
      8. Appropriately use the bathroom and wash hands after use.
      9. Solve all problems using words and without hitting, kicking, punching, scratching, pinching, biting, or threatening.
      10. Bring only safe items to school. No weapons of any kind including gun, BB gun, any type of knife, sling shot, Kung Fu star, dart gun, and toy models of weapons. (See pages 3 and 4 of the Code of Conduct for other examples.)
      11. Tell the truth to all adults.
      12. Keep myself and the building clean and healthy by not using or having drugs, cigarettes, or inappropriate materials.
      13. Call 911 only if it is a real emergency, and pull fire alarms only in case of a real fire.