Art of Crafts is a craft-based art course intended for students who are interested in the creative process. Students will learn about the art and craft of various cultures while creating works of art. Students will get to experience working with a variety of different mediums, such as paint, clay, fabric, metal, wood, and yarn, while learning multiple studio techniques. Students will be exposed to various cultural connections through a variety of craft techniques, application of the principles of design through the utilization of a variety of media and gaining an understanding of the various tools and vocabulary necessary to complete craft assignments.
• All finished work will be based on stated criteria for each project found on student check lists and rubrics.
• Students will receive a daily recorded participation grade.
• Students will receive continuous feedback on assignments.
Attendance will be taken and recorded daily. See code of conduct pg.10-12.
Students are expected to respect the personal space of others. Students are also expected to respect the studio space provided for them by properly cleaning up after themselves.
Students are expected to treat the materials provided for them with care. This means students are expected to clean materials properly and to return them back to their designated space. Students should use materials for their intended purposes.
RESPECT EACH OTHER: Students are expected to be punctual, support and uplift an accepting classroom environment, be respectful listeners, and demonstrate care for themselves and others. Degrading language or actions towards others in any way, shape or form, is not permitted.
Cell Phones Us:
Cell Phones are to be unseen unless you have teachers' permission to be on devices.
DISCIPLINARY ACTION ACCORDING TO FACULTY AND STAFF HANDBOOK First infraction: Discussion between student and teacher. Immediate Second Infraction(s): Parent phone call. If Continuous Infractions Occur: Detention assigned.