
    Classroom Expectations: 

    Cell phones are not allowed in middle school.  Please do not bring them to class.  

    I am expecting you to try your best every day.   

    Ask for help when you need it.   

    If you fall behind, I expect that you will make up missed work on your own time.  This may mean coming in during study hall (with my permission), taking work home  or staying after school.   

    Be kind, respectful and take care of all art supplies. 

    Grading Policy: 

    Project grades will determine the majority of your grade in artIf you are unhappy with a grade, you may re-work or re-do a project on your own time.  It is required that you speak with me about exactly why you earned the grade, what you are going to do differently and what you can do to improve it.  I will us the “Burger Rubric” when grading your projects. This rubric is always posted in the art room and on my teacher web page.  

    Materials Needed:  

    I am expecting that you will come to class each day with a pencil and positive energy   


    716-375-6600 x2268

    Burger Rubric