Course description: This is a half credit art elective. It is recommended that the student complete a full year of Studio in Art as a prerequisite to this course. The course will focus on developing in students the knowledge and understanding of artistic principles and skills involved in fashion design and fashion illustration.
Course goals: Upon successful completion of this course, a student should be able to demonstrate:
*Basic principles of good design (knowledge of the elements and principles of design and how they are used in fashion design and illustration)
*An improved understanding of the garment industry (careers within fashion design and the breakdown of the process of creating a garment, the people involved and what they do)
*Creativity in the preparation and execution of fashion designs
*Practical application of original ideas
*An increased awareness of the influence of social trends upon the history and future of fashion design
Grading Policy: Students will be given a weekly participation grade. Class projects will determine the majority of the grade. Students are expected to keep up with assignments even if that means working on them outside of class time.
A project is considered complete when all of the criteria set forth are met, a conference with the teacher has occurred and the teacher and student both have agreed the project is complete.
There are 5 big projects throughout the course and several mini-projects that coincide with them. The purpose of the mini-projects are to help you gather your thoughts and focus your ideas for the long term projects.
The final exam will consist of a portfolio showcasing all of your work and relating these works to the 8 Habits of Mind that all district art courses emphasize. Three of the five projects will be due the first quarter of the course and the remaining two along with the final exam will count toward the second quarter grade.