1. Easy Gnome Ornaments 

    Look at the photo belowCut out a triangle and a small rectangle of feltDO NOT WASTE THE FELTUse Tacky Glue to glue them togetherGlue lace or fabric to the hatGlue yarn for the beardAdd a button and ri=bbon to the topUse a small piece of Model Magic for the nose.   




    1.  Make a tag or card for someone specialSee Mrs. Missel for materials. 

    1. Draw a ribbon or candy.   


    1.  Draw a holiday themed subject on graph paper.   

    Christmas Tree (4 Quadrant) Mystery Picture | Christmas tree, Christmas  classroom, ChristmasGingerbread Man, Christmas, Coordinate Drawing & Graphing, Mystery Picture  | Coordinate graphing, Mystery pictures, Graph paper art