Welcome to the Health Services
This year our school is required to report BMI category totals. These are group totals only, and do not include any individual student information. If you would like to opt out or have any questions, please contact your school nurse.
Pediatric Myopia is on the Rise
“Some interventions are shown to be effective in delaying the onset or controlling progression of myopia in children. For instance, increasing time spent outdoors and decreasing the duration of near work may prevent against developing myopia or myopia progression,” she said.
“Some studiesopens NIH.gov show there is an association between physical activity and outdoor activity to the point that a lot of eye care providers are now recommending that children try to spend at least two hours a day outside doing something other than looking at devices,” said Pattison. “It’s good for children to play outside when possible.”
For more of the article click the link below
Parents: If your child needs any medication during the school day (ex:tylenol, ibuprofen, inhaler, prescription) we need to know and have paperwork on file. Printable forms are below. Please call if you have questions.
Printable Medical Forms:
Parent Approval Form for Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Tums
MHS Self Carry Med form
MHS Daily Medication Form
ALES Self Carry Med Form(We will be glad to fax the form to your doctor for the areas that they need to fill out.)
Thank you for working with us to keep all of our students healthy!
Elementary School Nurse Middle-High School Nurse
Michelle George,RN Cheryl Wintermantel,BS,RN
Phone: 716-375-6600, ext. 4165 Phone: 716-375-6600, ext. 2160
Fax: 716-375-6628 Fax: 716-375-6624