• If an accident occurs in school, the nurse will administer first aid, notify the parent or guardian, and call emergency help if necessary.  If a child becomes ill at school, the school nurse will ensure supervision of the student until a parent or designated emergency person can be contacted to take the student home.  Parents are responsible for providing the school nurse with these emergency names and telephone numbers each school year.

    Appointment: If your child has an appointment during school hours, please send a note stating the place of appointment, time to be excused and who will be picking up the child.  No child will be released from school unless signed out by a parent, guardian or parental designee.

    Student Insurance Information and Injury Reporting

    The Allegany-Limestone Central School District provides “excess cost” student accident insurance for all students enrolled in the district school. This “excess cost” or “Secondary” coverage applies to those activities sponsored by the Allegany-Limestone Board of Education.

    The school district’s benefits are paid only in excess of the benefits available from any other group, blanket, or individual insurance plans under which the student may be covered. The student’s family is responsible for submitting the accident claims for payment under their “Primary” insurance coverage plans.

    Reporting Procedure

    1. Report all injuries to the school nurse immediately. 

    2. The school nurse will then complete part “I” of the student accident claim form and mail it to the injured child’s parents.

    3. The parent completes part "II” of the claim form.

    4. They can then present the school health insurance information to the healthcare provider where they receive care for the injury. Then mail the insurance form to the address below:

    NAHGA Clain Servces

    P.O. Box 189

    Bridgton, ME 04009


    Fax: 207-647-4569

    Phone: 800-952-4320