• ALCS Health Examinations

    There have been a few changes made in New York State concerning health examinations, screening requirements, and immunizations.

    • Health Examination: As of July 1, 2018 New York State law requires a health examination for all students entering the school district for the first time and when entering Pre-K or KDG, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th A copy of the health examination must be provided to the school within 30 days of the start of the school year. These examinations must be completed on the approved NYSED Student Health Examinations Form, which is available on our website http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/health-exam-form.pdf . A dental certificate which states your child has been seen by a dentist is also asked for at the same time.
    • Health Screenings: The new regulations in vision and hearing screenings will be required within 6 months of admission to school and in grades Pre-K or KDG, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11. Scoliosis screenings will be required for girls in grades 5 and 7 and for boys in grade 9. You will be notified of any abnormal findings.
    • Meningococcal: Students entering Grade 7, 8, 9 must have 1 dose of meningococcal vaccine. Students entering Grade 12 must have either 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine with the booster dose given on or after age 16 or 1 does if your child’s first does was given on or after age 16.

    You can download a list of immunization requirements for New York State or click on the link 2024-25 School Year New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance (ny.gov)


    New York State Education Law- Section 903:

    “A health certificate shall be furnished by each pupil in the public schools upon his entrance into such schools, and by each child entering pre-K, first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grade thereof. An examination of any child may be required by local school authorities at any time in their discretion to promote the education interests of such child.”


    ALCS requests that new students and pre-K students receive a physical examination by their personal physician prior to admission .  Students in grades first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh who do not present a health certificate from their personal physician will be examined by the school physician. Forms for the physician examinations may be picked up in the school health office or printed here